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Shipping: Please note, only 'Expedited' shipping orders carry up to $50 of insurance and tracking. Standard shipping (U.S.) orders carry tracking information only, so if a package is lost by the carrier or stolen, it cannot be replaced without cost. Standard shipping (International) only carries a Customs number, no tracking. We try to be helpful when any package is lost or missing, which happens by the USPS rarely, but the package is the buyer's responsibility once it begins its' journey with the USPS. Please use this information to choose the type of shipping you'd like your order to carry. Thank you!
Tracking your package: Thank you for your orders and support! Once you place an order, use the tracking number we'll send to you to obtain the delivery date of your package. 99 percent of orders go through the shipping process successfully, but package thieves are on the prowl. If the package does NOT arrive and tracking shows it has, then contact your carrier or local post office to find out exactly where the package was left. We love you but cannot be liable for packages that were lost/stolen.
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